Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I can't believe how long it has been since I posted a blog.  Since May 5th my runs were: 5/9/11 2.20 miles in 30:32 and 5/11/11 2.25 miles in 26:06

Those were great times.  Then....I have no idea what happened the rest of that week but the following Monday I woke up with some sort of pulled muscle in the middle of my back.  I ended up on the couch for two days and haven't run since.

* One good thing is that I've racked up 100 miles since september of last year. Not spectacular for some but it is for ME! :)  I have to keep reminding myself of that and others should think that way too.

Today WILL be my first day back.  I am only attempting 1 mile.  Partly because of being out for so long and I will be running outside in about 95 degree weather! Yikes.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


So I have to brag about today, it was a huge accomplishment for myself.  I set out to complete 2 miles according to my 6 week plan.  I figured I would run as much as I could and then walk/run the rest.  Well...I ran the whole thing! I finished in 22:25.  I couldn't believe it!

On my drive home I started thinking about where I was just a few months ago, I couldn't even run for 1 minute, I couldn't even finish the circle that I live on which is .33 of a mile.  Now I can run a consistent 22 minutes! It's amazing.  I am very proud of myself! *I slightly feel like I cheated because I did it on the treadmill, I just need to apply to the road and see where I get!

"Ahhhhh", as I sip my win in celebration!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

6 weeks

Sunday started my 6 week plan I found in the Runners World magazine.  I'll get to that in a little bit because I just realized I haven't posted since the 21st!

So to recap my running....

4/22 - 1.55/20:01
4/25 - 1.10/14:17
4/27 - 1.44/18:17
5/1 - 1.35/17:00
5/3 - 2.26/28:03

Today's average pace was the best out the above times at 12:24.  I beat my fastest mile on 4/22 with a 10:20 mile, I walked the rest.   The heat has really been making it hard on me.  I got used to running in the winter, not sure how to adjust yet.

So to beat the heat today I ran on the treadmill.  It turned out really good! I felt great up to about 1.5, even right at the mile I was happy as could be, jamming out to a good song actually singing while running!  But a little later it got tougher, I started to walk a little bit. But when I heard my nike app tell me that I was at 2 miles I pushed it till the end.

So this 6 week plan goes like this
week one: day 1 - 1 mile day 2 - 2 1/4 day 3 - 2
week two:  same
week three: day 1 - 2 day 2 - 3 1/4 day 3 - 2
week four: same
week five: day 1 - 2 day 2 - 4 1/4 day 3 - 2
week six: day 1 - 2 day 2 - 2 1/4 day 2 - 2

I was not excited about today's run but glad it went well.  I think I'll just enjoy next week where I can start off with 1 mile again.  I actually have a race at the end of week 2.  Hubby and I are doing a 5k here in town.  I'm not sure if this will hurt my training or help me.